主對今年提到一個強而有力的時機和預備的話語。 這會從 2020 年 5 月 31 日開始,並持續到接下來的 7 天,7 週和 7 個月。
預言:新冠肺炎病毒的解答和未來 7 個月的計劃(pdf)
Prophetic Word: COVID-19 Solution and Plan for the Next 7 Months
作者:艾道格 Doug Addison
「······因為我要使他們的悲哀變為歡喜,並要安慰他們,使他們的愁煩轉為快樂。」 (耶31:13)
主對今年提到一個強而有力的時機和預備的話語。 這會從2020年5月31日開始,並持續到接下來的7天,7週和7個月。
從五旬節週日的7天後-2020年的6月7日開始,期待會突然出現美好的平息。 由新冠肺 炎所導致的全球風暴,這場戰鬥將開始產生巨大變化。 當超自然的醫治能力和醫療方案開始出現時,留意這轉換和改變。
【7 週:2020年7月19日】
「在黑暗中行走的百姓看見了大光;住在死蔭之地的人有光照耀他們。你使這國民繁多, 加增他們的喜樂;他們在你面前歡喜······」(賽9:2-3)
主說,「我正在釋放啟示和能力給我受苦的百姓。 在接下來的7週裡,新的喜悅將來臨並取代你痛苦的時光(從現在起到7月19日)。 你將收穫在過去的幾個季節裡所撒種的。 7週後,你會回顧而說道,『我現在在一個新地方』」。
當主說這話時,我看到一扇新的門開始在屬靈的界域裡打開。 門的名字叫做喜樂。
【7 個月:2020年12月31日】
主說,「我將以不尋常的方式行動,你可能會經歷一些起初可能無法理解的情況。 但是要堅守我現在釋放的這個預言。 在7週內,情況會有所不同,新的喜樂將臨到你。 在7個月內,你將進入一個充滿能力和榮耀的新季節。」
期待領受敵人襲擊所蒙受損失的補償。 神正在擊破黑暗的烏雲,將人們帶離曠野。 我們 將進入一個喜樂的新季節,神的光將以新的方式照耀在你的身上。
「 忽然,從天上有響聲下來,好像一陣大風吹過,充滿了他們所坐的屋子」(徒 2:2)
需要有敬拜和代禱的聲音。 神正在我們的敬拜和禱告中釋放從天上而來的新聲音。 我們能夠藉由互聯網奪回空中的航線。 隨著教會開始安全地重新開放,敬拜,禱告和讚美的聲音將轉變屬靈氛圍。
請明白這一點。你無需再等待7個月才能讓情況變好。 7天後會出現一個轉變。隨著時間的推移,變化會增加。 在接下來的7個月中,將會突然出現持續不斷的變化。
重要的是要繼續持守信心,同時在必要時保持安全的社交距離。 留意神從天上開啟使自己的損失和苦難得到補償的新的喜樂和策略。
Prophetic Word: COVID-19 Solution and Plan for the Next 7 Months
June 3, 2020
Doug Addison
“… I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.” Jeremiah 31:13 NIV
If you aren’t familiar with Pentecost, it coincides with the Jewish festival of the Feast of Weeks that takes place 7 weeks after Passover and Resurrection Sunday.
For Christians, it also commemorates when the Holy Spirit filled God’s people in Acts 2. This is an important time on God’s calendar and one of the special times during the year when the heavens are open, making it easier to hear the Lord and receive power from Heaven.
Prophetic Word for Pentecost
The Lord spoke a powerful timing and preparation word for this year. This starts May 31, 2020 and continues over the following 7 days, 7 weeks and 7 months.
7 Days: June 7, 2020
Unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick, but a sudden good break can turn life around. Proverbs 13:12 MSG
In 7 days after Pentecost Sunday—starting on June 7, 2020—expect a sudden good break. A dramatic change in the battle against the global storm of COVID-19 will begin. Watch for the shift and change as supernatural healing power and medical solutions will start coming into place.
7 Weeks: July 19, 2020
The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before you … Isaiah 9:2–3 NIV
The Lord said, “I am releasing revelation and power to My people who have suffered. For the next 7 weeks, new joy is going to come and replace your time of suffering (from now through July 19). You are going to reap a harvest for things you have sown in past seasons. At the end of 7 weeks, you will look back and say, ‘I am in a new place.’”
As the Lord spoke this, I was shown a new gate beginning to open in the spiritual realm. The name on the gate is Joy.
7 Months: December 31, 2020
Now, Lord, do it again! Restore us to our former glory! May streams of your refreshing flow over us until our dry hearts are drenched again. Those who sow their tears as seeds will reap a harvest with joyful shouts of glee. Psalm 126:4–5 TPT
Over the next 7 months, the Lord is going to position you under a new flow of His power and presence.
The Lord said, “I am going to move in unusual ways and through circumstances that you might not understand at first. But stand on this word that I’m giving right now. In 7 weeks, things are going to look different and new joy is going to come to you. In 7 months, you will enter into a new season of power and glory.”
Expect to receive repayment for the attacks of the enemy. God is now breaking the clouds of darkness and bringing people out of the wilderness. We will enter into a new season of joy, and God’s light is going to shine on you in a new way.
New sound will open things
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Acts 2:2 NKJV
The sound of worship and intercession will be needed. God is releasing a new sound from Heaven in our worship and prayers. We were able to take back the airways using the internet. As churches begin to safely reopen, the sounds of worship and prayer and praise are going to shift the spiritual atmosphere.
Be safe and in faith
Please understand that you will not need to wait for another 7 months for things to get better. There is a turning coming in 7 days, and changes will increase over time. Over the next 7 months, there will be sudden bursts of change that will continue to build.
It will be important to continue to have faith while still being safe with social distancing when necessary. Watch for God to open new joy and strategies from Heaven on how to get repaid for your losses and suffering.
Doug Addison